Monday, November 4, 2013

Become A Better Athlete Pt. 1

All You Have To Do Is Focus On Core Stabilization Complex

A complex, in fitness  parlance, is a set of individual movements that are chained together in one movement. This stabilization warm-up has three complexes: one that’s horizontally based, one that’s standing-based, and one that’s movement-based. These work-outs are aimed at stabilizing your joints and mastering your center of gravity. They’re called universal movement exercises, meaning they can be used to prepare for any sport.

1. Start off by standing. Place your hands to the ground and inch forward into a pushup position. Hold for 10 seconds.
2. Rotate your body onto your right arm until you’re in a lateral plank position. Hold for 10 seconds.
3. Turn onto your back, while keeping your knees off the ground, until you are in a straight arm plank. Hold for 10 seconds.
4. Turn over onto your left arm and get into a lateral plank again. Hold for 10 seconds.
5. Get into push-up position and worm backwards until you’re standing again.
Note: alternate the side from which you initiate the lateral plank after each rep.

To be continued............

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All you have to do is focus on the core stabilization complex
A complex, in fitness  parlance, is a set of individual movements that are chained together in one movement. This stabilization warm-up has three complexes: one that’s horizontallybased, one that’s standing-based, and one that’s movement-based. These work-outs are aimed at stabilizing your joints and mastering your center of gravity. They’re called universal movement exercises, meaning they can be used to prepare for any sport. 
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